The Horned Women
"The Horned Women" is a classic Irish fairy tale that tells the story of a woman who faces and outwits a group of supernatural beings known as the Horned Women. In the tale, a wealthy but humble woman is awake alone in her house late at night. She is preparing wool while her family sleeps when there is a knock at her door. Upon opening the door, she is met by a woman with a single horn growing from her forehead. The horned woman forces her way into the house and begins working at the spinning wheel. More horned women follow, each with an increasing number of horns (two horns, three horns, and so on) until twelve of them are gathered in the woman’s home. The horned women reveal themselves as witches, intent on overpowering and taking control of the household. They enchant the woman and command her to perform various tasks, hoping to break her will. However, she remains resolute and clever. At the direction of a mysterious voice from a well (often interpreted as a protective s...